Sales Analytics

Maximize sales and increase overall performance. Rizer’s approach to structuring data, provides better tracking and offers you full control and visibility over your sales results. This is done for each role and at every level of the sales team. You get the tools that you need to boost results, increase team performance and help individuals grow.

Why Rizer CRM 1 of 6
Live dashboards

Visibility that drives more value

Gain control and boost performance by having visibility over all the relevant KPIs. Our live dashboards analyze the sales actions and conversion rates, monitor the sales cycle length and emphasize all factors that impact sales.

Visualize all the data you need to make the correct decisions right now and to forecast future performance. Determine what works and what doesn’t, identify top performers, and where changes need to happen.

Track and increase performance for both the company and the individual team members. We make this easy by supporting different roles and by providing structured data across the system.

Sales dashboard Rizer
deals rizer crm
CEO dashboards

Empowering the CEO

Get full visibility over both company and team performance. Track all activities and determine which were the best converting strategies.

Get an overview of both leads and customers, understand what sells better and which are the best performers. Scoreboards for each team offer insights into the probability of achieving company targets. Rizer CRM makes it easy to pinpoint potential issues and make adjustments.

Use the market share dashboard to adjust your strategy and boost sales. Get a more focussed view of any report by filtering by any user or role to show you only what you need to see.

Do you want more grip on your sales? Why wait ...

Manager dashboards

Hit your targets every time

Gain control and boost performance by having visibility over all the relevant KPIs. Our live dashboards analyze the sales actions and conversion rates, monitor the sales cycle length and emphasize all factors that impact sales.

Leverage the data you need to make the correct decisions right now and to forecast future performance. Determine what works and what doesn’t, identify top performers, and where changes need to happen.

Track and increase performance for both the company and the individual team members. We make this easy by supporting specific roles and by structuring data across the system.

Won sales analytics inside the CRM
deals pipeline in Rizer CRM
Pipeline analysis

Track and boost sales

Increase conversion rates and shorten the sales cycle. Our pipeline analysis shows you what your team is doing right and where they can improve. Spot top performers and possible bottlenecks.

Selling to leads is different from selling to customers. Track each in their one pipeline and get the right people working in each stage for improved performance.

Catch trends and learn to make the most out of every opportunity. Push the right leads to the right people and make sure your lead generation matches your pipeline requirements.

Do you want more grip on your sales? Why wait ...

Product dashboards

Bring products into focus

Increase conversion by staying on top of your roadmap. Understand the most requested features. Pinpoint which ones would bring the most sales and prioritize them. Identify which products attract the most sales and which are lagging behind.

Use product recycling to maximize returns. Analyze the most common objections from lost deals and adjust your strategy. When enough time has passed Rizer CRM will bring them back into deals, ensuring that you don’t miss any opportunity.

feature requests rizer crm
User role dashboards
User dashboards

Uncover individual performance

Empower your sales team to always hit their target. Rizer CRM has smart dashboards for each role so they can understand and analyze their individual performance.

Users identify their weak spots and compare themselves with their teammates. They analyze how many calls they make, how many people they’re contacting and how well they’re converting. The sales team will improve and become better at winning more deals.

Do you want more grip on your sales? Why wait ...

Customer dashboards

Complete customer management

Maximize usage, reduce churn and boost revenue. Rizer CRM has dedicated roles for onboarding, retention and follow-on sales. Track how new customers are being onboarded and track retention.

Customers who buy more from you, stay with you longer. Discover follow-on sales opportunities from unproposed or recycled products. Not only do you earn more money but you also retain customers and in turn increase CLV.

Winning a deal

A CRM that finally works the way you need it to

Rizer CRM helps you boost revenue by empowering you to easily discover insights, plan the right actions,
and improve conversions – across the entire customer journey.

Get a live demo today