discovery call template

Discovery Call Template: Unlock Your Sales Potential

Are you ready to take your sales team to the next level? A great way to do this is to use a discovery call template. Discovery calls are an important part of the sales process, as they help salespeople gain valuable insights into their prospects’ needs and wants. A good discovery call template can maximize the insight gained from that call and give salespeople the edge when it comes to closing deals.

At its core, a discovery call is a customer-oriented conversation between a salesperson and a potential customer. During this discussion, the prospect will provide insights into their overall goal or problem and the salesperson will use that intelligence to recommend solutions. In other words, a discovery call is designed to establish trust and build a relationship between the salesperson and the prospect.

Having an effective discovery call template is essential in making sure that these conversations are as productive as possible. When crafting your template, it’s important to consider both formal and informal elements. Formal elements include asking questions, providing case studies and customer stories, offering helpful advice and resources, setting expectations for further action, demonstrating value in your services or products, and more. Meanwhile, informal conversation helps break the ice with prospects while helping to build bond between them and your sales team.

The best way to get started in crafting your own discovery call template is by breaking it down into smaller sections: introduction, positive inquiries, probe questioning, product or service presentation, required information gathering/proposal development phase, follow up activities/actions for success.

In the introduction section of your template, aim to introduce yourself quickly while also conveying enthusiasm for connecting with the customer. Make sure that you also highlight any pre-call homework that you have done before jumping right into questions. This shows customers that you’re prepared and interested in helping them solve their problems or reach their goals.

When it comes to positive inquiries, it’s all about building rapport with customers in order to get them comfortable with speaking openly. Ask open-ended questions such as “How did you hear about our organization?” or “What would success look like for you if we worked together?” These types of questions demonstrate that you’re genuinely interested in getting to know them on a deeper level.

Probe questioning is where things start to get more specific – here you’ll be asking pointed questions about how customers currently approach their problem(s) as well as any past experiences they’ve had with similar services or products. You should tailor these questions based on what you’ve learned in your initial conversation – never jump ahead without context!

After understanding what they need from your product or service (and why), it’s time for you to present how exactly it can benefit them! Make sure that during this section of the conversation you focus on ways that your product/service aligns with their values & needs while also highlighting any unique features that set your offering apart from competitors’.

Once they’re sold on working with you (or at least seem interested), it’s time for gathering information which can be used later on when constructing proposals & agreements: pricing models & payment plans should be discussed here along with any other details necessary for successful execution of an agreement (such as delivery timelines). Finally – make sure that you end each call by setting expectations for following up or taking action towards next steps (for example – ordering sample products).

To sum up – having an effective discovery call template is essential for having successful conversations with potential customers – one which can lead to long-term relationships & success for both parties involved! Here’s an example of what one could look like:

Template you can use to build your own:


Hello [prospect name], my name is [your name] and I’m the [title], here to help you with [describe your product/service]! I’m really excited to hear more about your needs and to see how we can help. Before we begin, did you have any questions for me?

Positive Inquiries:

Can you tell me more about how you’re currently approaching the issue of [describe issue]? What have been some of the challenges you’ve faced in trying to solve it? How do you think our solution could help you reach your goal?

Probe Questioning:

What other solutions have you considered for this issue? Have you ever worked with a similar service or product before? If so, what was your experience like? What factors will be most important to you when making a decision on which solution to go with?

Product/Service Presentation:

Our solution can help you [describe value or results] by doing the following: [list features]. It also has these unique features that set us apart from our competitors: [list features]. What do you think so far?

Required Information Gathering/Proposal Development Phase:
Are there any specific requirements or limitations that need to be taken into consideration when proposing a solution? Could you tell me more about your budget and timeline expectations for this project? What level of involvement do you need from our team in order for us to make sure that everything runs smoothly when rolling out the project?

Follow Up Activities/Actions for Success:
In order for us to get started on working together, I recommend that we schedule a follow up call next week and create a detailed proposal outline with pricing breakdowns. After that, we can discuss timeline and milestones for implementation. Does that sound okay with you?

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