Why is product management important? 

As you build your own sales process the products stand as the basis for any action. The end goal is to sell as many products to as many leads as possible in the shortest sales cycle. Adapting your products to real market needs is the role of product management.  

Product managers, the CEO, sales mangers and the marketing department all work together in creating a clear and actionable product strategy. This initial strategy will change with time as info comes in from leads and customers. Actions taken by the competition also affect planning and require pivoting from time to time. 

Product management is important as it’s positioned in the center of all of this information flow. Decisions have to be made. Feature requests needs to be analyzed. Product releases get prioritized. Even if the sales team talks about deals and calls and meetings all day their end goal is selling products. Having the product with the best market fit will increase your conversion rates in the long run. 

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What to expect from our software solution

Lead Management

By managing both inbound and outbound lead flows and by providing the right qualification tools in each case, we allow sales teams to access the leads with the most probability of closing, regardless of their source.

Customer Management

Once a lead becomes a customer, Rizer CRM helps you streamline communication between after sales teams and the beneficiary for a smooth transition. Keeping with our product-focused approach, we track products both in onboarding and retention.

Product Management

Rizer lets you add your products and manage them within the system. Each of the products added can be matched with existing key custom variables for better management of lead and customer data.

Deal Management

We talked before about predefined roles and processes, and a product-focused approach to managing sales. All these come together in the way Rizer manages and organizes deals.

High Velocity Sales Model

High Velocity Sales is an inside sales model that will help increase your sales performance. It involves the use of specialized teams. Compared to others, the user management inside the Rizer CRM lets you set specific functions for each member of your team.


You can stop the hassle of exporting data and manipulating it outside of the CRM or always having the feeling of missing out. Because of the way we structure and predefine data, Rizer can provide analytics like no other solution.

A CRM that finally works the way you need it to

Rizer CRM helps you boost revenue by empowering you to easily discover insights, plan the right actions,
and improve conversions – across the entire customer journey.

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