Cold Calling in Sales

Achieve higher conversions by specializing them, using cold calling scripts and tracking their performance. Cold callers ensure that the cold lead fits your target market and in a position to buy in the immediate future. They use the calling queue to make the initial contact, collect valuable information and raise interest for your products. Cold calling in sales delivers qualified leads to the sales team. 

Lead database

Get more out of your leads

Get a bird’s eye view of everything you know about the people, companies and other organizations that you plan to sell to with the lead database inside Rizer CRM.

Locate the information you’re looking for with ease. When you access a lead you can immediately see the deals, activities, notes, key variables and other information related to that contact – in one view.

In conclusion, with Rizer you don’t have to worry that you’re leaving money on the table. Know where every lead is in your sales process and don’t let leads slip through the cracks ever again.

Lead generation - Rizer
manage your sales team
Specialized roles 

Visibility and insight through specialized roles

Increase conversions by specializing your team and splitting cold callers from sales reps. Go even further with dedicated demo reps. Hire the right profile people for every role. 

Increase usage with onboarding reps and reduce churn trough retention reps. Sales reps and demo reps with customer experience handle the follow-up sales. Measure and improve each of these specialized roles.

Gain visibility, increase conversion rates and shorten the sales cycle. Above all, improve your team and track their activity and results for users that have one or multiple roles.

Do you want more grip on your sales? Why wait ...

User role dashboards
User dashboards

Uncover individual performance

Empower your sales team to always hit their target. Rizer CRM has smart dashboards for each role so they can understand and analyze their individual performance.

Users identify their weak spots and compare themselves with their teammates. For instance, they analyze how many calls they make, how many people they’re contacting and how well they’re converting. The sales team will improve and become better at winning more deals.


A framework that makes cold calling in sales more effective

Increase overall conversion and generate more revenue with a framework that makes deals easy to track and more actionable. In addition, deals group products, actions and all relevant stakeholders together. Multiple roles interact to take a deal through the pipeline from initial contact to a win. 

The progress box combined with the deal makes it even more powerful. It provides a layer of intelligence from always knowing what has been proposed or not and what has been rejected and for what reason. Track past actions and product movements to make better informed decisions.

deals in Rizer CRM

Do you want more grip on your sales? Why wait ...

Action flow - Rizer CRM
Action flow

A faster path to conversion

Qualify faster and win more deals by keeping your team action-focused and in turn shorten the sales cycle.

Rizer CRM groups actions inside the deal. In other words, this allows your team to always know the next step that can lead to a sale. To enforce this, deals always have at least one action scheduled.

Track individual users and team performance better then before. Rizer CRM keeps things clear when assigning deals and actions to the sale steam.


Frequently Asked Questions about Cold Calling

What is cold calling in sales?

Cold calling is the process of contacting a lead that has never been in touch with your organization before. The purpose of the initial contact is to assess the market, product, and price fit of the lead. The cold caller understands their pain points and qualifies them for the sales team. Usually, the cold call ends with scheduled sales calls. 

How to be successful in cold calling sales?

To be successful in cold calling a cold caller has to be resilient. While qualifying leads they will find most of them are not a good market or product fit or even that the time to buy is not right now. They will recycle those leads with the appropriate reason and come back to them later. This way the long term conversion rates grow.

How many cold calls a day would result in sales?

Each cold calling team will have different results based on a set of factors. These include but are not limited to the market the product is in, the lead’s profile, the time of day when they initiate the call and many others. Rizer CRM has a powerful analytics section that can measure all relevant cold calling KPIs and help you improve. 

How to do cold calling in sales?

Cold callers start a conversation with leads about your products or services. Each cold caller will have their own cold calling technique but in the end all of them should follow the same general sales script. The conversion with potential customers is different compared to warm calling. When a team member picks up the phone he is the first one to reach that company and therefore the first contact with them. 

What’s the importance of cold calling in sales?

Cold calling in the sales department frees up time from sales reps. By making the initial call and qualifying the leads, cold callers are able to go trough a large number of leads quickly. In doing so the make sure only companies ready to buy enter the sales process, thus increasing conversions. 

Is cold calling sales or marketing? 

Cold calling sits somewhere between sales and marketing. They do work in qualifying prospects and leads. Cold callers call prospects individually so in that sense they are more relate to sales. Overall cold calling is a process that helps both departments achieve the best results. 

Does cold calling still work in sales?

Cold calling still works in sales if done correctly. The biggest problems sales team face is inexperienced people wasting time on the phone with leads that have little chance to convert. The right approach is to recycle them with the correct reason for a later date. 

What’s a good cold calling process? 

A good cold calling process is a measurable one that can be scaled and replicated with ease. However, using Rizer CRM’s analytics and action management, cold callers can hit the ground running and measure their performance along the way. A good CRM software helps managers understand what works and find the best performers. 

How can I get started today?

You can get a demo of Rizer. A dedicated consultant will show you how Rizer can work for you from day one. it’s that easy!

A CRM that finally works the way you need it to

Rizer CRM helps you boost revenue by empowering you to easily discover insights, plan the right actions,
and improve conversions – across the entire customer journey.

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